Privacy Policy

We are completely committed to protecting any information we hold about you. This includes information you readily provide and other information we may collect about you as part of any transaction or inquiry process.  This document explains how and why we do this.

We only use the data collected from you for the record, and to notify you of important information or advise you of any additional information that is related to your original interest or that you may have opted in for.

We will not pass your details to any third parties unless required by law other than to carry out the tasks mentioned above*(see whom we share your details with).

Information we collect.
In order to process bookings, we will collect and securely store the following information:

  • Your name

  • Your Contact Telephone Numbers

  • Your Email Address

  • Any Alternate Contact You Provide

  • Any information related to Health and Safety during the hiking

  • Any additional information you would like us to know related to our trips

The Law

The law states there must be a lawful basis for the collection and use of such data.  The lawful basis upon which we act are

  •  Contract – Whereby it is necessary to obtain this information to fulfill a contract with yourselves.

  •  Legitimate Interest – Where we as a business have a legitimate or commercial reason to use your data, however, this must not go unfairly against what is best for you.

Our legitimate interests may include;
— Keeping you informed of our latest relevant products & services.
— Using your data to evaluate your experience with us and to gain feedback on the services and products provided.
— To determine the success of certain marketing campaigns we may carry out.
— To evaluate how users interact with our website.

You have the right to access, correct, block and delete the data we hold about you at any time if you feel there is no need for us to keep it.  You can do so by contacting us by emailing us at [email protected] or through our Facebook Page.

If there is a legal reason that your personal information must be kept, we will notify you.

Any third party we use which processes your data will have their own privacy policy detailing how they protect and use the information they hold about you.

Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.

We may use your personal information to provide you with relevant information or offers that we feel may be of interest.   The personal information we use for this will be the information you have provided or from other parties we may work with.

We will only send you this information if you have “opted” to receive it or as a commercial business we have a “legitimate interest” for using your information, which should not outweigh the interest of your own.

You have the right to choose if and how we market you, and can change your preferences at any time by contacting us. Please note that changing your marketing preferences will not affect correspondence about current orders, invoices or review requests, which are deemed part of our service, not marketing.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?
We will keep your data on file for as long as you are our customer unless you ask us to remove it.  This is so we can

1) Respond to any questions.
2) Maintain records that apply to us.

Using our Website
By using our website and submitting the data mentioned, you agree for it to be stored and processed in this way and is as necessary to complete your enquiry.

In addition, our website may use cookies to track website use and provide you with tailored information about products and services.   Further information about cookies, how they work and the information they collect can be found by visiting;

We may also use third-party services to see how website visitors interact with our website and content, this includes services such as Google Analytics and other affiliated companies for the purpose of targeted re-marketing.  We also advertise on alternative platforms which use cookies.

We may have links to external content on our website, these sites may collect their own information about you and you should therefore refer to the individual sites privacy policy for further information on how your data could be used.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.

Privacy Policy

This is our Privacy Policy. We are completely committed to protecting any information we hold about you. This includes information you readily provide and other information we may collect about you as part of any transaction or inquiry process. This document explains how and why we do this. 

We only use the data collected from you for the record, and to notify you of important information or advise you of any additional information that is related to your original interest or that you may have opted in for. 

We will not pass your details to any third parties unless required by law other than to carry out the tasks mentioned above*(see whom we share your details with).  

Information we collect. 
In order to process bookings, we will collect and securely store the following information:

  • your name

  • Your Contact Telephone Numbers

  • Your email address

  • Any Alternate Contact You Provide

  • Any information related to Health and Safety during the hiking

  • Any additional information you would like us to know related to our trips

The Law 

The law states there must be a lawful basis for the collection and use of such data. The lawful basis upon which we act are 

  •  Contract – Whereby it is necessary to obtain this information to fulfill a contract with yourselves.

  •  Legitimate Interest – Where we as a business have a legitimate or commercial reason to use your data, however, this must not go unfairly against what is best for you. 

Our legitimate interests may include;  
 — Keeping you informed of our latest relevant products & services.  
 — Using your data to evaluate your experience with us and to gain feedback on the services and products provided. 
 — To determine the success of certain marketing campaigns we may carry out. 
 — To evaluate how users interact with our website. 

You have the right to access, correct, block and delete the data we hold about you at any time if you feel there is no need for us to keep it. You can do so by contacting us by emailing us at [email protected] or through our Facebook Page.

If there is a legal reason that your personal information must be kept, we will notify you.  

Any third party we use which processes your data will have their own privacy policy detailing how they protect and use the information they hold about you. 

Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall. 

We may use your personal information to provide you with relevant information or offers that we feel may be of interest.   The personal information we use for this will be the information you have provided or from other parties we may work with.

We will only send you this information if you have “opted” to receive it or as a commercial business we have a “legitimate interest” for using your information, which should not outweigh the interest of your own.

You have the right to choose if and how we market you, and can change your preferences at any time by contacting us. Please note that changing your marketing preferences will not affect correspondence about current orders, invoices or review requests, which are deemed part of our service, not marketing. 

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?
We will keep your data on file for as long as you are our customer unless you ask us to remove it.  This is so we can

1) Respond to any questions.
2) Maintain records that apply to us. 

Using our Website
By using our website and submitting the data mentioned, you agree for it to be stored and processed in this way and is as necessary to complete your enquiry.

In addition, our website may use cookies to track website use and provide you with tailored information about products and services.   Further information about cookies, how they work and the information they collect can be found by visiting;

We may also use third-party services to see how website visitors interact with our website and content, this includes services such as Google Analytics and other affiliated companies for the purpose of targeted re-marketing. We also advertise on alternative platforms which use cookies.

We may have links to external content on our website, these sites may collect their own information about you and you should therefore refer to the individual sites privacy policy for further information on how your data could be used.

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this privacy policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it. 

